neocities resources
link description
w3schools html tutorials
online-image-editor image editor in your browser
textanim glitter text generator
stripe generator make striped tiling backgrounds
scm player a music player for your site
noise texture generator make textured tiling backgrounds
emojipedia copy-pastable emojis
anlucas's gifs little gifs for your site
88x31 button collection buttons!
neocities user banners banners for other people's sites
webby links a collection of web resources
pixel soup cute little pixels!
gifcities search geocities for gifs
nancy's place a bunch of old graphics
text color fader make gradient text
bonnibel's graphics cute pixels

sites on the internet that i find interesting
link description
photomosh image glitching tool
text to ascii ascii art maker
joan stark's ascii ascii art collection
catstuff a cool site about cats
pet of the day a different pet everyday!
10 minute mail temporary email addresses
monopro turn images into pixel art
pix2cats create demonspawn.
paintschainer colors in your art
camerons world a tale through geocities
heaven's gate the website of a now dead cult - remains untouched, exactly as it was. terrifyingly interesting.
oocities a geocities archive.
windows 93 an old computer in your browser
404 just click.

other neocities pages i like